About GunDealerReviews.com
GunDealerReviews.com was started by a group of gun collectors tired of rolling the dice each time they dealt with a new gun dealer. Sometime things were great and sometimes they were not and there appeared to be no existing place for gun collectors and gun buyers to get other buyer's impressions of gun dealers. Reading the various forums would sometimes help but there was no common format or way to easily get multiple people's opinions. GunDealerReviews.com was created for that purpose.
GunDealerReviews.com is not affiliated with any gun dealer or gun manufacturer. All information is not warranted, though we do attempt to maintain the quality of reviews and ratings by tracking submissions and preventing multiple submissions from the same source. At our sole discretion we may edit reviews for objectionable material or remove reviews completely.
There is currently no method to edit a submitted review. If GunDealerReviews.com becomes useful to the gun collecting community, capability for authors to edit and remove reviews will be added at a later date.
Questions or suggestions should be directed to the Contact Us link (click here).